Section 26 D Petrol Pre-Trade Training
Grouping: Individual Petrol Course
Career path: On successful completion of the trade test, the candidate will receive a national trade test certificate and is regarded as a qualified artisan.
Overview: The Section 26D trade test (named after the relevant section in the Manpower Training Act) is a way of recognising the prior learning and experience of a person who has been working for some years in a particular trade but has not passed a trade test and is therefore not recognised as a qualified artisan. After the applicant’s suitability for a trade test is determined, the applicant will then undergo a trade test.
- Pre-Requisites: A minimum of 3 years proven work experience with an N2 in the relevant Trade Theory subjects/ 4 years proven work experience with a Grade 9. Certain companies prefer its potential candidates to have a Pre-Trade Assessment as required by merSETA.
- Duration: 12 days
Training Week 1 | Training Week 2 | Trade Test week |
5 Days – (Pre-requisite : Pre- Trade Assessment 2 hours) | 5 Days | 2 Days – (Will include an online knowledge assessment) |
Topics Covered |
Personal and environmental Safety Precautions. |
Visual inspection and report. |
Battery Preparation. |
Hydrometer Description. |
Hydrometer specific gravity test procedure and summary. |
Charging procedure understanding. |
Sulphation test procedure. |
Fast charge procedure. |
Slow charge procedure. |
High discharge procedure. |
Cable resistance test procedure and diagnosis. |
Starter current draw test procedure and diagnosis. |
Alternator maximum output amperage test procedure and diagnosis. |
Voltage drop across the starter solenoid test procedure and diagnosis. |
Alternator charging voltage test procedure and diagnosis. |
Complete system Inspection, Pre-checks and Measurements. |
Disk & calliper, drum and master cylinder assembly component listing and Condition Report. |
Master cylinder operation. |
Brake drum system operation. |
Component listing and functions. |
Assembly Specifications and procedure. |
Complete system Troubleshooting and understanding. |
Complete system pre-checks and measurements. |
Measuring and understanding preload. |
Measuring and understanding back-lash. |
Measuring and understanding crown wheel and carrier run-out. |
Crown wheel and carrier assembly component listing and condition report. |
Pinion shaft and differential housing component listing and condition report. |
Differential system operation and function. |
Assembly specifications and procedures. |
Tooth contact pattern testing and remedy. |
Engine removal, disassembly and reassembly procedure. |
Engine component part listing and functions. |
Dial gauge description and understanding. |
Dial gauge measuring and maintenance. |
Feeler gauge description and understanding. |
Feeler gauge measuring and maintenance. |
Micrometer description and understanding. |
Micrometer measuring and maintenance. |
Crankshaft removal and assembly procedure. |
Measuring and understanding crankshaft end float. |
Measuring and understanding taper and ovality wear on the crankshaft. |
Measuring and understanding the crankshaft fillet radius. |
Cylinder head removal and assembly procedure. |
Cylinder head warpage measuring and understanding. |
Cylinder head depth/height measuring and understanding. |
Measuring and understanding taper and ovality wear on the cylinder bore. |
Piston disassembly and assembly procedure. |
Measuring and understanding piston size and wear. |
Measuring and understanding piston ring gap. |
Measuring and understanding piston ring groove clearance wear. |
Measuring and understanding piston to bore clearance. |
Measuring and understanding piston height. |
Oil pump function and understanding. |
Measuring and understanding bearing oil clearance. |
Oil pump wear measurements. |
Measuring and understanding bearing draw/crush. |
Complete system Inspection, Pre-checks and Measurements. |
Measuring and understanding preload. |
Recirculating ball & worm nut steering system component listing and Condition Report. |
Worm nut/gearbox operation. |
Component listing and functions. |
Assembly Specifications and procedure. |
Complete system Troubleshooting and understanding. |
Complete system pre-checks and disassembly measurements. |
Complete gearbox component listing and condition report. |
Clutch system function and operation. |
Gearbox function and operation. |
Gear selector mechanism operation and understanding. |
Synchromesh unit operation and understanding. |
Gear powerflow. |
Measuring and understanding synchro ring wear. |
Measuring and understanding gear oil clearance. |
Measuring and understanding output shaft run-out. |
Measuring and understanding sleeve to selector fork clearance. |
Measuring and understanding wear on shims. |
Measuring and understanding cluster shaft preload. |
Understanding shim size selection. |
Understanding gearbox assembly procedures. |
Calculating and understanding gear ratios. |
Fault diagnosis and understanding. |
Visual inspection and analysis. |
Understanding and correct diagnosis of faults. |
Air filter, intake and breathing understanding and diagnosis. |
Understanding, diagnosing and adjusting valve clearance and timing. |
Understanding, testing and diagnosis of cylinder compression. |
Understanding, testing and diagnosis of fuel injectors/ carburettor. |
Understanding, testing and diagnosis of fuel system. |
Understanding, testing and diagnosis of the ignition system, points and condenser. |
Cooling system testing and diagnosis. |
Correct diagnosis and repair of faults. |
Wheel alignment principles and summary. |
Wheel alignment pre-checks. |
Suspension system component identification and understanding. |
Suspension system wear checks. |
Steering system wear checks. |
Inspection and diagnosis of tread wear pattern. |
Measuring and understanding tyre and rim runout. |
Tyre & rim fault diagnosis and understanding. |
Understanding wheel and tyre balancing. |
Measuring, understanding and adjusting camber. |
Measuring, understanding and adjusting toe. |
Measuring, understanding and adjusting toe out on turns. |
Measuring, understanding and adjusting castor. |
Measuring, understanding and adjusting steering axis/king pin inclination. |
Measuring, understanding and adjusting the included angle. |
Understanding thrust angles and centre lines. |