BSI Integrated Application

Grouping: Individual Course

Career path: This training assists the BSI Controller to better understand how to use the key aspects of the BSI-Auto application

Overview: BSI-Auto is a software development and Service Company focused on manufacturing and supplying easy-to-use integrated web/intranet enabled software solution to the motor industry. By combining a high level of software technological development expertise with a strong understanding of the automotive industry, we are able to develop and deliver software applications that offer real financial and operational value to our client and our client’s client.

BSI-Auto has been developing leading edge software systems for the automotive service department for over 7 years. Our management experiences in providing business solution is over 15 years in software and automotive industry.


  • Pre-Requisites: –
  • Duration: 3 Days

This software is a complete workshop solutions used by the automotive industry

Appointment Vehicle Repair Quality Control CRM Manager Management Reports
Create a Booking Workshop Loading SMS Post Service Customer CRM Productivity
Service Mix Electronic Clocking Test Tracking Incident Manager Efficiency
Resource Manage Parts Management Wash tracking Marketing Profitability
Interface Automate S.A Control Sheets Telephonic Voice Recording CSI Tracking Customer History
Loan Car SMS Updates Electronic Filing (E-filing)   Management View
SMS – Email Vehicle Progress      