

Competence Measurement in Education and Training (COMET)

Competence Measurement in Education and Training (COMET): merSETA has embarked on a large scale competence diagnostics project (COMET) in South Africa. The project aims to adjust the architecture of apprenticeships in favour of achieving higher levels of holistic shaping competence. The first comprehensive research project is available on the merSETA website. KATS is participating in this initiative and has seen the first number of students from various dealerships undertake this assessment during the month of September 2015. For more information on this project please visit the merSETA at the website




There’s never been a stronger need to respond to customer demand in the shortest possible time with more detail. You have to react faster and provide more value than the competition and leverage all available human capital knowledge in order to make better, faster decisions thus ensuring improve business

conditions, if we carefully learn to do certain things, we can accomplish those goals.” -Stephen Covey
KATS has embraced information technology as part of its educational solution which benefits all learners that attend our training. This technology includes numerous types of media that delivers text, report, audio, images, animation and streaming of videos. This computer-based learning is accessible over the Internet and is used amongst others to assist the learner in building his /her vocabulary, theoretical knowledge, etc. This is a self-paced and self-directed learning approach to which we have found suits most of our learners individual learning styles.

KATS has over 230 various types of online assessments covering most of the functions found in a typical dealership. Besides these there are online assessments that also cover other disciplines. Inclosing, we’ve combined our world class training and online assessments with next-generation technology to create the world’s most intelligent platforms for our learners. This integrated training and learning approach allows our learners to use this knowledge effectively and efficiently in the workplace. For a comprehensive list of these assessments/courses visit our website.






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